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Taken 30-Apr-23
Visitors 3

63 of 254 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory:Night Sky
Subcategory Detail:
Photo Info

Dimensions2104 x 2103
Original file size5.11 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated


Sh2-223 - Emission Nebula in Auriga

Scope: AP155EDF w 4" FF - Focus Boss II focuser motor
Camera: Moravian G4 (16803) w Astrodon GenII HaRGB filters
Mount: Paramount MX guided w Borg 60mm achromat and SBIG ST-402ME
20x20min Ha, 14/12/10 x 10 min RGB
Acquired with TheSkyX and CCD-Commander
Calibration and processing of Ha and RGB separately in PixInsight; Ha+RGB done in Photoshop CC 2023
BlurXTerminator was used on all channels before stretching
StarXTerminator was used to remove the stars from the H-Alpha channel before stretching
NoiseXTerminator was used on all subs.

Lucknow, Ontario
Apr 2023